Buying and selling
After trading onions for years, today Bowa is proud of its extensive network of growers. Our people and the partners with whom we work, periodically visit the growers and assess the quality of the onions offered. We buy both yellow onions and red onions.
From growers to packaging
The onions that we buy have to go through several stages. We make sure that they are cleaned properly, removing the leaves. Then, the onions are selected by size. During this process, several manual quality checks take place. The onions are packed in packages of 4 up to 25 kilograms. On request, we can also deliver onions in big bags or bulk.
Once the onions are packed, they are ready for shipment. Bowa delivers the cleaned onions to every corner of the world, according to our customers’ wishes and requirements. We can deliver the onions packed, but also separately onboard a truck. Together with the customer, we decide on the most suitable delivery method. Before the onions are transported, an external advisor will perform a last random check.